
Fully-automated water purification at zoo

The subtropical pond water at a zoo must meet several requirements: it must be healthy for fish and other aquatic life as well as crystal clear for visitors. We met these needs in a maintenance-friendly and energy-efficient way with Pure-Tech ACT filters.

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Fully-automated water purification for reduced energy consumption

The ACT filters purify the water biologically, using bacteria and higher organisms. The system is incredibly compact and has very low energy consumption. Where most filters require maintenance, the Pure-Tech system has an automatic flushing program. So we were able to offer the zoo a plug-and-play, maintenance-free and energy-efficient system. One that also ensures the fish are in top form and the visitors are happy.

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  • Industrial scale, robust yet compact
  • Maintenance-free
  • Modular filters
  • Energy-saving & efficient
  • Flushing based on pressure drop to conserve water
Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Like to learn more about our Hydro Pilots?

Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Every drop it takes. That's what we stand for & what we do.

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