
UV disinfection

UV disinfection inactivates water-borne pathogens

Bacteria and other microbiological organisms thrive in your process or drinking water and can increase exponentially in number. And that poses health risks. Jotem helps you remove these microbiological traces, using renowned UV disinfection systems made by Van Remmen UV Technology.

Our UV disinfection systems inactivate microbiological contamination using UV radiation. It’s a sustainable process that doesn’t involve chemicals. Based on your specific water quality, we install the optimum reactor and continuously monitor its effectiveness. This means you can always rely on disinfected water flows and optimal energy efficiency.

Validated path to safe water

You want to be assured of safe water. That’s why we work exclusively with validated UV disinfection systems. These systems guarantee the use of the correct amount of UV radiation for your water quality, with optimum energy efficiency. The size of the UV reactor is based on the quality of the incoming water (UV transmission measurement).

However, we look beyond UV disinfection. We want to use our expertise to deliver as much added value as possible. That’s why we brainstorm with you about your optimal water solution. We analyse your current systems and recommend optimisation options. Moreover, we always provide you with full support in terms of control technology, maintenance and commissioning.

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  • No chemistry consumption.
  • Low energy consumption. Reading of various parameters by smart instruments.
  • Smart UV controller with control capabilities.

What water challenge is your organisation facing?

The specialists at Jotem water solutions find answers to any water-related problem. Solutions that are cost efficient, sustainable and fully customised. We’d be happy to see what we can do for you.

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