
Removal of pharmaceutical residues from water

Advanced removal of pharmaceutical residues from water

At least 140 tonnes of pharmaceutical residues end up in our sewage water every year. This is hugely harmful to plants and animals and has an adverse effect on our drinking water. NieuWater are changing this. They are converting sewage water into water of the purest kind. NieuWater’s BODAC pressure filters are a promising technology for removing pharmaceutical residues from water in an energy-efficient way, without chemicals. We developed a hydro pilot system to test whether the BODAC concept would also be effective with less pretreatment. A lot of costs and energy could be saved in this way.

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Advanced removal of pharmaceutical residues from water

In the current NieuWater plant, the purified waste water is passed through an ultrafiltration system, then oxygen is added and finally the BODAC pressure filters come into play. In the pilot system, we made a minor modification. We replaced the ultrafilters with drum filters. This provides less intensive treatment, but is much more energy-efficient. The mobile pilot system was set up exactly to NieuWater’s requirements and they can monitor the results continuously. With this pilot system, we hope to contribute to an efficient method that ensures water is free of pharmaceutical residues.

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  • Customer-specific design
  • Smart & intuitive control system
  • Data visualisation & trending
  • Flexible integrated oxygen-dosing control
  • Clear oxygen dosing line allows the solubility level of the dosed oxygen
Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Like to learn more about our Hydro Pilots?

Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Every drop it takes. That's what we stand for & what we do.

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